Deliverance from the bondage of homosexuality

If you are caught up in a homosexual lifestyle there is hope.  The Bible makes it crystal clear that, upon confession, Jesus can forgive all sins and deliver from any bondage and set you free.  And there are many organizations, founded on Biblical principles, ready to help you in your struggle.  But Jesus is ultimately the one who sets you free.

If you have the time and opportunity I can think of no better way and place to be informed on this issue than to participate in a conference conducted under the auspices of Focus on the Family under the name   “Love Won Out”.  The excellent and inspiring speakers and loving atmosphere makes it a transforming experience for many people.  The resource material on display and the many Christian organization represented at this event is unparalleled. 
The probably best known and most used resource for people who seek deliverance or are struggling with homosexual temptations is Exodus International.  There are lots of references and links on their website.
Another useful organization is the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH).
Another organization run by Christian professional psychologists is Apokata Psychological Services.

Yet other ministries are New Hope Ministries and Transforming Congregations.

The Emmaus Ministries was founded by John Green.  The ministry focuses on support and evangelism among male prostitutes in inner cities.  It's estimated that about 70 percent of male prostitutes are drawn into such a life due to lack of home support or addictive habits rather than from being homosexually inclined.  These young boys are the weakest among the weak in our society and they are despicably preyed upon by older homosexual men lusting for the younger flesh.  This is a worldwide phenomenon and cities like Bucharest, Rio de Janeiro, Bangkok have huge populations of "street children", who are especially vulnerable.

 The Jonah organization appeals to people of the Jewish faith.